
Every Life is Worth it!
Pro-Life Mississippi provides resources to empower supporters to advocate for life. From educational materials and pro-life speakers to ways for individuals and churches to get involved, we are building a network of support where every mother feels confident in choosing life.
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Ministry Partners

Pro-Life Mississippi provides resources such as brochures, coloring books, and access to speakers for churches and other ministry partners. Ministries can also join the Mama 4 Life – Support Network, a program designed to create a strong network of care for mothers in need. By building partnerships with statewide pro-life organizations, Pro-Life Mississippi ensures the sharing of resources and the delivery of comprehensive support across the state. This united approach helps ensure that no Mississippian is left behind due to lack of attention and that communities can work together to support those in need.

"Color Me Pro-Life" Coloring Book

“Color Me Pro-Life” offers a life-affirming coloring book for children.  The coloring book has 20 pages consisting of pages to color, crossword puzzles, word searches, mazes, and more.  All designs and artwork were created by volunteer pro-life artists of various ages, using their gifts to protect the sanctity of life.

Copies are available for a donation of $1 each and can be picked up at our office. The shipping cost is extra. We can ship to anywhere inside the U.S. To order copies, contact our office at 601-956-8636 or email us at 

Outreach Opportunities

At Pro-Life Mississippi, we believe in the power of community to create lasting change. Through our outreach program, we can change hearts and minds, one conversation at a time.  Our pro-life outreach brings educational tables and vendor booths to community festivals, church conferences, and the MS State Fair, where we connect with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Pro-Life Mississippi’s trained volunteers work to educate and equip children and adults on important issues that affect life and families.  By volunteering, you can be a part of this life-changing mission.

Pro-Life Mississippi is always looking for compassionate, dedicated individuals who are ready to donate their time and energy to help us save lives.  As an outreach volunteer, you’ll directly impact the lives of those you meet and help make a difference in our community.

Join our team, learn new skills, and make an impact for life in our state! To become a volunteer, simply click the button below.

We also have specialized outreach opportunities for women’s events, college students, or civic groups. To invite Pro-Life Mississippi to your event, please email us at

Benevolence Ministry

Pro-Life Mississippi’s Benevolence Ministry is dedicated to the important and life-saving work of helping families meet their basic needs. We supplement the work of pregnancy centers and Embrace Grace groups in Mississippi by providing financial support for housing, utilities, and car payments to mothers and families. Each applicant must be referred to us by a pregnancy center or church-based Embrace Grace Group. For details please email us at   Your donations to Pro-Life Mississippi allow us to help more people through this ministry.  


God Answers Prayers

I have been working for Pro-Life Mississippi since 2008 as their office manager. A few months back, after being sick for a while, I prayed and asked God if I should start thinking about taking early retirement to stay home and take care of my grandchildren. I asked God to give me a sign.

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Prenatal Diagnosis? There is Hope.

Christi shares her story of her daughter EmmyLou. Christi’s pregnancy journey with a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis and how she and her husband found hope and strength.   In July 2017 I went in for a routine 20-week prenatal check and sonogram. This was my...

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A Pro-life way to Plan Pregnancy

How can someone prevent an unwanted pregnancy without taking abortifacient drugs like hormonal contraceptives or birth control pills? Here are five of the most commonly used methods of fertility awareness.

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God Answers Prayers

I have been working for Pro-Life Mississippi since 2008 as their office manager. A few months back, after being sick for a while, I prayed and asked God if I should start thinking about taking early retirement to stay home and take care of my grandchildren. I asked God to give me a sign.

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Prenatal Diagnosis? There is Hope.

Christi shares her story of her daughter EmmyLou. Christi’s pregnancy journey with a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis and how she and her husband found hope and strength.   In July 2017 I went in for a routine 20-week prenatal check and sonogram. This was my...

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From Abortionist to Pro-Life Activist: Dr. Beverly McMillan’s Story

“I didn’t start out life wanting to be an abortionist,” Beverly McMillan tells me as we sit across from each other in the conference room of Pro-Life Mississippi’s offices. We’ve met here today to talk about Dr. McMillan’s life and the testimony of how she went from abortionist to Pro-Life Activist. Dr. McMillan has served as both president and vice president of Pro-Life Mississippi over the years, shared her testimony at numerous events, and counseled women on the sidewalk outside of Jackson’s last remaining abortion clinic. But she didn’t start out as pro-life or a Christian.

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PLM shares a letter received by one of our volunteers

I want to share a very personal story with you, it’s not an easy thing but I feel it’s time to allow myself to use my story in a positive way. This morning as I sit with a heavy heart, shame that can’t be measured, tears flow, and prayer it’s been 34 years. I was forced 34 years ago today to have an abortion.

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Learn about a save while working another ministry for God

On Tuesdays, I am typically at the Hinds Co. Penal Farm doing a Bible study for inmates there. After studying one evening a few weeks ago William (names in the story have been changed) asked if I knew Doug standing there with him. “He has been with you out at the abortion clinic.”

I admitted that I didn’t recall him. He reminded me. “I and my girlfriend were headed into the abortion clinic and you confronted me. Asked me what I was doing. Challenged me a bit. Sent me to a nearby restaurant with a friend of yours.”

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Katie Semple’s Testomony given at Jackson First

I met LaTonia in mid-February outside the abortion clinic in Jackson. When I told her about the support available to her, should she choose life, she listened closely and began to ask specific questions about how we could help her. I could see that her heart was soft and that she felt convicted about what she was about to do, so I gave her my number and pleaded with her to turn away and to let us walk with her through the difficulties ahead. A few minutes after she drove away, she called me to tell me that she had decided to keep her baby and ‘accept our help.

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